Step-to-step guide to some of the easiest pool trick shots.

As opposed to what pool hustlers want you to believe, not all pool trick shots require 24 hours practicing a day. Some trick shots can be learned within few hours of rehearsing and still look stunning (assuming you have already acquired the knowledge of hitting the cue ball under simple circumstances).

Here is a step-to-step guide to some of the easiest pool trick shots. These are set-up shots, which involve no more than one object ball, one cue ball, one cue and one skilled shooter.

Let's start with the difficult looking but easy to apply CUT SHOT:
1. Put one ball next to the rail about foot away from one of the corner pockets.
2. Place the cue ball where it would create a right angle together with the rail.
3. Now, all you have to do is to apply a cut shot and pocket the ball.

How? Well, that's the trick:
(a) Aim towards the rail instead of the object ball.
(b) Use inside English to shoot the ball. In other words, hit the cue ball off center on the side closer to the angle created from the position of the balls relative to the pocket.
(c) The cue ball will spin, press down the rail and rebound at an angel.
(d) As a result, the object ball will contact the rail and drop into the chosen corner pocket. Easy as domino!

Tips: • As easy as it sounds, this trick shot requires some practicing.
• The object ball should be frozen to the rail.

Let's continue with an even simpler trick shot - the easy DOUBLE SHOT:
1. Place the cue ball next to the bottom rail and the cue ball next to the middle diamond.
2. Your goal is to pocket the object ball to the corner pocket and straight away to pull out the ball from the pocket, have the cue ball hit the top rail, rebound and re-pocket the object ball. That's what the double is all about.
3. How? Simple:
(a) Aim between the first and the second diamonds
(b) Strike, with sufficient amount of force, at the right side of the cue ball.
(c) When the cue ball hits the top rail, pull out the object ball and place it near the corner pocket.

• Needless to say, practice is required. Pay attention to the amount of force required to send the ball to the rail and back to the corner pocket.
• The two balls have to be frozen to each other.
• The pre-positioning of the balls has to be accurate in order to succeed in this trick shot.

One last trick shot, two rails reverse shot, and we will set you free to the nearest pool hall to practice, practice and practice:
1. Put the object ball next to the rail.
2. The edge of the object ball has to touch the edge of one of the side pockets.
3. Place the cue ball along the center line of the pool table so you can imagine a straight line stretches from the object ball to the cue ball.
4. The object ball has to hit two rails before dropping into the second side pocket.
(a) Aim towards half of the object ball.
(b) Apply maximum draw, i.e. strike the cue ball below center so as a result of its contact with the object ball the latter will spin backwards and then forward directly towards the pocket.

Tips: • As you practice, focus on the minimum force that can be applied on the cue ball. In other words, practice some trial shots until you get the idea. • Good luck!

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