How To Check a Pool Cue for Warping... Testing a pool cue

How To Check a Pool Cue for Warping Testing a pool cue to see if it's warped is one of the easier tasks for a pool player. There are a few different ways to check, but by far the most popular and easiest way to see if your cue is warped is to roll it on the table. Here's the step by step breakdown:

1. Lay your cue down on a pool table (put it together first if it's a two piece cue).

2. Slowly, roll your pool cue across the table.

3. Keep your eye on the tip of the cue and watch it as you roll the cue. If the cue is warped, you'll see it watching the tip, as the cue will "flop" and roll unevenly across the table.

Alternatively, you can hold the cue up at eye level and look down the cue from the butt. Hold the cue out and slightly downward, slowly turning the cue as you look down the cue from the butt to the tip.

Whenever you buy a pool cue, the first thing you should do is roll it to make sure it isn't warped. If the cue rolls to your satisfaction, chalk it and play with it, but if you notice a significant warp, call before chalking the cue in order to have a replacement sent out.

It should also be noted that because pool cues are made of wood, they will all warp over time. Some manufacturers like Viking Cues and McDermott Cues offer lifetime warranties on their cues against warping, so if warping is a major concern check the warranty before you buy.

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